Monday, January 23, 2017

New Profit $ 158.60 in GBPUSD

It's my new experience to get profit again, i have open buy in 1.2439 and i wait him that i will profit, till 20 minutes and tarara... get profit again in 1.2465 i close position.
Real profit and profit is my pleasure, my method is while the price will touch higher in market open europe then i predict that this price will get higher again, i optimized i can profit again.
Real pleasure profit...

The Cheap Condominium Hotel Pekanbaru

To keep spirit even though rainy, i try in Ngetime Koffie in Panam Pekanbaru.
Today's target is 3 new customer, that will prospect about Condotel Pekanbaru Park.
Marketing is my new experience to know about new world. That will help me to get big relations.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Condominium Hotel Pekanbaru Park

In early 2017, exactly on January, i decided to join in Pekanbaru Park, try to sale units of condotel Pekanbaru Park.

I believe that i can sell some units of Condominium Hotel in Pekanbaru Park. This condotel will be operation by Golden Tulip Hotel. One unit condotel is pricing in Rp. 941.000.000  before PPN.

I think this concept of Pekanbaru Park is the first and the best way in Pekanbaru. 

May Be some of readers wanna know about Condotel of Pekanbaru Park, you can contact me.

Contact Person :
Ribut BS
Phone : +6281365277333
Whatsapp : +6281365277333

My First Profit on January 2017

Hello Traders...
How are you today ? I hope 2017 is yours to get your high profit consisten daily.

Early January 2017, i try to consist trading again, i try in my demo Metatrader and get balance $5000, I get posisition  sell in GBPUSD, i usually trade in this currency because its good currency to get fast profit in labil graph.

I open sell in GBPUSD on hourly while this currency go down in Moving Average, my concept is following the trends and while the trend is finish yet, i open sell in this position. In this position i get profit $400.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Buatlah Review dari Materi "Aplikasi Berita dengan PHP MySQL" pada bab XII halaman 113.
Tugas Review dicetak dan  dikumpul besok Jumat, 24 April 2015

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